Unleash your full potential and discover your hidden talents
Create your new career path
Launch a startup, find a new job, and elevate your quality of life to a new level
Advance your career to the international level
Generate revenue from personal projects and expedite business growth
Women career accelerator introduces an innovative approach to professional development
Our objective is to refine each participant's skills, ensuring they shine brightly and stand out from the crowd
Individualized coaching with professionals in a global environment, adhering to a carefully crafted system aimed at attaining precise outcomes.
The project was established by vibrant, accomplished women who are keen to assist countless others, spearhead and led by the chief founder, Mariana Simonian.
With over 10 years experience working with women, we're able to unlock their potential in record time. The course's mission is to ensure every woman shines like a diamond.
Мы разработали уникальный продукта, позволяющую расти многократно — квантовыми скачками.
Наша цель — придать огранку каждой участнице курса. Подобно ювелиру, мы поможем вам не только засиять, но и совершить квантовый переход.
Проект создавался живыми, яркими, реализованными девушками, желающими поделиться и помочь множеству женщин. Россия, Италия, Израиль, ОАЭ — это лишь часть стран, в которых мы живем и работаем.
Более 10 лет тесной работы с женщинами как с точки зрения профессионального развития, так и духовного, позволяют нам видеть потенциал и раскрывать его.
Миссия курса — создать новый мир, в котором каждая женщина будет сиять подобно бриллианту.
My mission is to turn every participant into a superstar in their field. To join this exclusive mentorship program, you'll need to go through a casting process. It's because I believe in a powerful synergy – I want to be 100% confident that we can achieve incredible results together. Career accelerator is the game-changer in professional development. Imagine launching revolutionary products, landing dream jobs at top companies, and achieving financial freedom - that is the reality we help our clients create.
Wonder Women founder, Mariana Simonian
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Energy levels of Electron
atomic structure
структура атома
уровень 1
уровень 2
уровень 3
энергетические уровни электрона
Calling all those who are tired of incremental progress and ready to make a quantum leap – unleash your full potential and achieve extraordinary success.
launching your own startup ,
full-service professional profile development,
hobby monetization, and much more.
Craft Your Professional Brand: unleash your talents, build your resume and social media presence, and land your dream job
Elevate your career, Enhance your social media presence, Boost your self-worth, Maximize your earning potential
Launch your first startup or scale your existing venture, Achieve breakeven or secure investments, Tackle all product-related challenges
Who can benefit
The program is meticulously tailored to each participant's unique needs and aspirations, as I work closely with each client in one-on-one sessions.
To apply for our program, you'll need to go through a selection process.
Core element
Key objective
At the heart of this transformative program lies a powerful methodology that prioritizes real-world impact over mere process.
Throughout this journey, you'll receive personalized mentorship from career producer Marianna, who will be your dedicated guide and confidante.
And to further empower your success, we incorporate a comprehensive coaching approach that equips you with the tools and strategies to reach your full potential.
What's inside the program
Diagnostic testing of meta-skills before and after the program using the product's internal AI.
Formation of a new professional role together with a career producer.
Individual quantum development plan.
Joint achievement of specific goals with the producer.
Personal work with producers, mentors, coaches and curators on your goals.
Separate long meetings with expert mentors.
Accompanying the curator throughout the program.
A clear and updated professional profile.
Bonuses, gifts, surprises upon completion of the program.
библиотека знаний
Уникальная библиотека знаний с доступом к более 300 часам работы над собой от экспертов международного уровня.
Лекции, мастер-классы, вебинары, отдельные курсы.
Мы поделимся секретами, которые помогут открыть не одну дверь, став мастером своей жизни.
Do you have any questions?
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